Sun4Water webinars for promoting SPIS

Sun4Water webinars for promoting SPIS

This series of webinars are in the framework of the Sun4Water project promoting Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS). With two sessions in English and two in French, titled "Policy Strategies for Scaling Up Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) to Enhance Productivity and Resilience of Farmers"

Cette série de webinaires s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet Sun4Water qui promeut les Systèmes d'Irrigation Solaires (SPIS). Elle comprend deux sessions en anglais et deux en français, intitulées "Stratégies politiques pour développer les systèmes d'irrigation à énergie solaire (SPIS) afin d'améliorer la productivité et la résilience des exploitants agricoles"

03rd September 2024 - 04th September 2024

EO AFRICA Water Resources Management (WRM) Webinar Series

In the framework of the EO Africa Explorers project, we are excited to announce a series of webinars focused on Water Resources Management. These webinars aim to engage and share knowledge and outreach of the project EO AFRICA WRM, tailored to meet the needs of various groups including government organization employees, young professionals, private sector representatives, and regional organizations. The project will also present an Egyptian agricultural exploitation as a case study to demonstrate its outreach.
The key features of the series include:     
      1. Knowledge sharing: Expert-led presentations and discussions on the latest advancements and applications of EO data in water resources management.
       2. Capacity building: Interactive sessions, workshops, and practical demonstrations designed to enhance participants' technical skills and understanding of EO technologies.
       3. Promotion and dissemination: Access to comprehensive promotional materials to help participants share and apply the knowledge gained effectively.

DSS for irrigation water management On-Farm Demo Event

CIHEAM Bari, in collaboration with Giovanni Ranaldo Farm and OP Jonica, is organizing an On-farm Demo Event.

This free event will provide practical insights into implementing interconnected sensors in the field and communication with a Decision Support system (DSS) to manage irrigation water.

Sistemi informatizzati per la gestione dell’irrigazione nei vigneti da tavola biologici

CIHEAM Bari, in collaborazione con Az. Agr. Giovanni Ranaldo e OP Jonica, sta organizzando un evento dimostrativo in azienda.
Questo evento gratuito fornirà approfondimenti pratici sull'implementazione di sensori interconnessi sul campo e sulla comunicazione con un sistema di supporto alle decisioni (DSS) per gestire l'acqua di irrigazione.

MSCAdvocacy Online regional event: MSCA in Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs)

MSCAdvocacy project is organising a regional online event gathering Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) selected experts and promotion actors from the Mediterranean Partner Countries to discuss the existing hurdles related to the promotion and participation of the MSCA programme, and possible solutions to unlock the potential of the region.

FOSC – General Assembly Morocco

Seminaire de Cloture du projet "Actions preliminaires pour la constitution des bioterritoires tunisiens"
